Simply put: There’s lots of evidence that can inform your decision-making but not necessarily a lot of insight. We bring the data to life for you, help you understand it and incorporate it into how you make decisions and track your progress. This builds your capacity to be more deliberative and reflective and translates into better results for the communities you work with.
Technically speaking: We have extensive experience in all aspects of program evaluation and applied research. Very often we are asked to conduct critical reviews of services and systems to inform policy, program and system development. Our projects range from local, individual program evaluations to complex systems change and community impact initiatives. Our approach ensures that the information we use is credible, strategically relevant and useful to evaluation stakeholders for multiple purposes, such as program improvement, policy development, collective learning and knowledge exchange. We are also experienced in developing theories of change with our partners, by critically examining the underlying rationale and assumptions of programs to understand how they are expected to work. This work often includes the development of program logic models, which graphically capture the goals and efforts of programs.
🌟 Supporting Youth Mental Health in 2025 🌟
Did you know that Taylor Newberry Consulting has 15 years of experience working with over…
Sometimes, You Learn More on a Hike
The First in our Series Entitled: Finding the Right Methods We recently completed a three…
Evaluation of Market Greens: The role of incentives in in promoting food access
Partner: Community Food Centres Canada CFCC’s Market Greens pilot program was designed to promote food…
Creating Surveys that can Detect Small but Meaningful Changes: Lessons Learned in our Work with Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada
A good evaluation survey is one that accurately measures the things we want to know….
Developing your learning and evaluation plan: A workbook to support your grant recipients
Many traditional grant application forms require nonprofits to include evaluation plans as part of their…
Advocating for Equity Through Our Work
At TNC, we often use our evaluations as an avenue to support equity seeking groups…