Evaluation of The Ujima Project: Helping underserved mothers access early childhood and maternal care

Partner: Abiona Centre

The Ujima Project is a pilot project focused on bringing mental health and early literacy support, developmental screening, and family navigation services to underserved mothers and their children. The Abiona Centre, the project’s lead agency, contracted TNC to conduct a multi-year evaluation across nine participating agencies. This evaluation examines the Ujima Project’s impact on the agencies’ capacity to implement evidence-based practices, foster connections with local organizations, and standardize their approaches to early childhood and maternal care. Additionally, it assesses the skills and knowledge mothers gain through the program. While still ongoing, the evaluation so far has published three interim reports that present the results of nine different quantitative and qualitative research tools. These reports have provided evidence-based recommendations that have guided the agencies’ approaches to programming and service delivery. TNC has also disseminated the findings to early childhood researchers, contributing to the broader knowledge base and informing best practices in the field.

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