Strong, vibrant, and responsive social service organizations not only depend on operational resources and funding, but on the capacity to articulate and pursue their mandate and mission. In our experience, organizations flourish when they have a strong consensus regarding the values that guide their work, access to strategic knowledge and information, and an understanding of how they fit within the context of community needs, assets, and partnerships.
Taylor Newberry Consulting has extensive practical experience in working with organizations to meet their strategic knowledge needs, via local needs assessments, community based research, evaluation capacity building, and strategic planning.
Sample project:
Outcomes for Children and Youth: A Review and Synthesis (2010-2011)
Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services
- In partnership with two other consultants, TNC summarized the literature on outcomes and outcome measurement, described the status of outcomes and outcome measurement in the different child and youth program areas, summarized information on the use of outcome information in other jurisdictions, and proposed a framework for outcomes and measures that may be appropriate for the children and youth sector.
Coaching Non-Profit Agencies in Planning for Impact and Outcome Measurement (2010-present)
United Way Peel Region, United Way York Region, United Way Kitchener Waterloo and Area, United Way Cambridge, Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation, Region of Peel, KW Extend a Family, Focus for Ethnic Women
- TNC regularly works with non-profit organizations to help them articulate program outcomes, develop measurement strategies, and improve their reports to funders. We also work with funders to clarify and simply reporting expectations and design supports to build the capacity of funded organizations.