TNC team members meet to focus on the systemic issues faced by the gender-based violence services sector and how we can take action.

Promoting Gender Equality through Evaluation

At TNC we are dedicated to promoting gender equality. One way we do this is through research and evaluation. We are currently evaluating a number of gender-based systemic change projects that are disrupting systems of oppression. We are capturing their impact and promoting learning so that our clients can make data-informed decisions about their next steps. We are constantly inspired by this work, and feel honoured to play even a small part in it. 

We know that systems change projects are complex and sometimes messy. Traditional evaluation approaches, like linear, flow-chart style logic models and pre-post surveys, are often too rigid and slow-moving to work well in this type of situation. With that in mind, we journey alongside our clients as they engage in social innovation, using flexible evaluation methods including rubrics, narrative reflections, and theory-informed interviews and focus groups (to name a few!), that help to document successes, challenges and lessons learned in real time. We work with our clients to design evaluation plans that meet their needs, the requirements of their funders, and their capacity. We respect the lived and living experiences of those that their projects are intended to benefit, and adapt our evaluation plans if we find something isnโ€™t working. 

If you are interested in connecting with us to learn more about what we can bring to your systemic change project, please reach out to us!ย 

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